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When to See a Doctor About Heavy Periods

Menstrual bleeding is no fun. Every month, you have to deal with tampons or pads and worries about breakthrough bleeding. So annoying.

But if you are among the one in five women with heavy periods, menstrual bleeding is even more of a concern. Heavy bleeding may interfere with your ability to go to work, attend school, or enjoy your life during your period. You may also experience above-average menstrual pain.

Heavy periods could be a sign of an underlying medical problem. And they may be treatable, which is why at Westover Hills Women’s Health, our board-certified obstetrician and gynecologist, Houmam Al-Hakeem, MD, believes that every woman with heavy periods should discuss this issue with her doctor.

About heavy periods

Here are some of the signs that your periods may be heavier than normal:

Causes of heavy bleeding

Heavy bleeding may be the result of a medical condition, such as uterine fibroids, polyps, bleeding disorders, endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome, pelvic inflammatory disease, or ovulation problems.

To determine possible causes of your heavy bleeding, Dr. Al-Hakeem conducts a gynecological pelvic exam and orders further tests as needed. If he discovers a medical condition related to your bleeding, he recommends a personalized treatment plan to address your condition.

Depending on the cause of your heavy bleeding, your treatment may include medication, hormone therapy, insertion of an IUD, or various types of minimally invasive medical procedures.

Endometrial ablation for heavy periods

If your heavy periods are caused by problems with your endometrium (the lining of your uterus), a minimally invasive treatment known as endometrial ablation offers a potential solution. Endometrial ablation uses gentle heat to destroy (ablate) the lining of your uterus.

Endometrial ablation is a quick in-office procedure performed by inserting a specially designed wand into your uterus via your vagina. The wand delivers radiofrequency energy to your uterus for two minutes, which destroys a thin layer of the uterine lining.

Endometrial ablation reduces most women’s menstrual bleeding to normal levels. But because it affects fertility, we recommend it only for women who have completed their families.

Get help for your heavy periods

Don’t wait any longer to have your heavy periods evaluated. To schedule an appointment at one of our two San Antonio, Texas, offices, call us today or use our online tool.

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